Warmer Chilled Water on Existing Systems
So we are looking to save energy, and one of those ways is increasing the chilled water temperature. But how does that save anything? Increasing the chilled water temperature brings it closer to the condenser water temperature and thereby reduces the amount of work (lift) a chiller has to perform. Since the chiller usually has […]
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Glycol & your system
Using glycol for your chilled water system will have dramatic effects and understanding how painful it can be to your efficiency is a must. Why are we using glycol? In most applications the use of glycol is to lower the fluid (most often water) freezing point. The more glycol that is used, the lower the […]
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Seismic Ratings
When do you need to have seismic rated equipment? Should you have all equipment rated for an earthquake or just redundant equipment? What equipment would be rated for a seismic event? Of course the answer to these questions is – it depends. The need for seismic rated equipment depends on the level of risk that […]
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What’s Your Battery Room Spill Plan?
When is the last time you thought about the plumbing in your data center? Likely, it is not often, but for your battery rooms it can be vitally important. From day to day, most lead-acid batteries are stable, but a spill management plan can address the many safety, health, and environmental concerns long before trouble […]
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Water Mist or Gaseous Suppression?
For data center fire suppression, this can be a tricky issue. Which is more dangerous? Which might hurt my IT equipment? Having either system is not dangerous, and is much more desireable than no protection. In this comparison, both are assumed to be ‘dry’ pipe systems, and therefore not a threat to IT equipment due […]
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Business law and the regulatory environment
Over the years I have learned a lot about business and the messaging components. I have learned that there is a lot that goes into the process, from raw research to how communications firms translate that information to an informative message. Having a business unit behind you to do all of this is a great […]
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Ice Storage Systems?
The ASHRAE technical committee Datacom book series makes mention of ice storage for consideration. While ice storage is useful if you have the up-and-downs that a normal office building has, it has much less application for a data center where load runs much more evenly throughout 24 hours. The amount of ice stored would amount […]
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Rack & Cabinet Airflow Considerations
What should you be looking for in a rack or cabinet in your data center? Focusing on the important features will save you time and money in the years to come, so take the time to know what you have and where you might be headed. Although most data centers are supported by standard racks […]
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Self-driving data centers
As we delve deep into another year there are no shortage of summaries over the last year and predictions for 2020 and the next decade. The last year, as the year before, has seen even more awareness of climate change and advocation for renewable energy sources. Along with this is the demand for smarter services, […]
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Longevity of Geothermal
On rare occasion I run across a system that, although smaller in size, supports a mission critical facility and supporting spaces with geothermal. In one instance, open loop geothermal-sourced cooling was serving a smaller network operations center that had a large screen wall with a small data center behind it. The building had two central […]
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