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Green Data Center Guide Articles

ASHRAE 90.4 Update

By John Peterson | Oct 04, 2019

In most jurisdictions ASHRAE 90.1 is used as the building energy standard to be followed as part of their building codes.  Data centers were often exempt from 90.1 until 2010 when they were specifically noted to be included.  There was push back, as some provisions of 90.1 were deemed too prescriptive, so in 2012 there […]
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Early Warning Signs of Power Equipment Trouble

By John Peterson | Sep 13, 2019

There are quite a lot of components that go into a data center, with their operations expected to be reliable 24/7.  Arguably the most important are those providing the power to the IT equipment as well as the other supporting systems that keep the data center cool, secure, and operational.  Preventative maintenance and a good […]
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NFPA 855 & Energy Storage

By John Peterson | Aug 28, 2019

The rise of battery storage systems has increased significantly as solar photovoltaic and other systems seek a way to capture power during peaks to use at other times.  In turn there have been a fire safety concerns that then led NFPA to generate the new standard, 855.  The National Fire Protection Association has released the […]
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Metal Roofing for Improved Efficiency

By John Peterson | Jul 26, 2019

Every year there are millions of square feet of data center space constructed but also millions of square feet that are renovated.  Over the course of 20-30 years, the interior spaces of a data center may be revised two, three or more times to meet the modern needs.  Along with this, whether the building is […]
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Air Energy Recovery

By John Peterson | Jun 21, 2019

Data center managers are always on the lookout for a means to reduce the heat that their facilities generate to operate more efficiently. During the winter seasons is often brought up to use the warmer air from the data center return stream to heat other spaces, as it seems like an obvious way to save […]
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15 Questions to Ask Your Designer

By John Peterson | May 22, 2019

What does the designer see as the important issues or considerations of the project? What are the associated challenges? How will the designer approach the project to resolve those challenges? How will the designer gather the needed information about your needs and goals, now and future, to complete the design?  What are the steps in […]
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DC Power Revisited

By John Peterson | Apr 25, 2019

DC power has been proposed for use since Edison debated with Tesla about which should be used.  Ultimately AC has been used more since it allows transmission over long distances which suited having large, centralized power plants.  But with so many of today’s devices and systems using  we see a resurgence of DC power AC […]
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Shades of Gray

By John Peterson | Mar 14, 2019

Today there are water issues throughout the world, which also affects data centers.  Ten states in the U.S. are in longstanding battles over water rights while river and lake water quality has been diminishing across southern Europe, India, and the Middle East.  In the U.S. drought conditions have affected 50 to 60% of states yet […]
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Artificial Intelligence in Data Centers

By John Peterson | Mar 11, 2019

First, how do we define AI?  In commercial buildings AI is often thought of as applying analytic engines on gathered information then use those models, algorithms, and rules to make better decisions on how the systems are operated.  Most of us aren’t programmers and we use the term AI with the intention of adding sophistication […]
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Learning the Trade

By John Peterson | Feb 11, 2019

There is a lot of information to learn in the world and every day the data center industry seems to generate more to know.  In doing so there are some shortcuts that can help you understand and prioritize the things that are important in your field of work, whether design, commissioning, construction, management, operations or […]
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